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A macro in SAS (Statistical Analysis System) is a programme or group of instructions that automatically creates and runs SAS code. For automating tedious processes, parameterizing code, and making code more adaptable and reusable, SAS macros are tremendously helpful. Here is a quick rundown of SAS macros:

 Macro Definition:

The%macro statement, a macro name, and a list of optional arguments surrounded in brackets are used to define an SAS macro.

The macro definition has the characters %macro and %mend. Between these statements, all SAS code is a part of the macro.

Macros invocation

You use the%macro_name syntax and any necessary arguments to run a macro.

Data steps, procedures, or other SAS code can call macros.

macro variables

Macro variables, which serve as placeholders for values, can be constructed and used by macros.

A macro’s the%let statement is used to declare macro variables.

The &macrovar notation can be used to refer to them.

Processing under conditions:

Conditional processing

 (%if,%else,%do) can be used in macros to run various code blocks dependent on circumstances.

This makes it possible to generate flexible and dynamic code.


To repeat code blocks repeatedly, macros can utilise %do loops.

For creating code for several variables or datasets, this is useful.


Your code becomes more flexible when you use macros to parameterize it.

You can alter the behaviour of the macro using parameters.

handling errors

To handle errors or missing data gracefully, macros can incorporate error-handling logic.

Data processing, reporting, and automation may all be accomplished with the help of SAS macros. Particularly when working with repeated or difficult tasks, they enable you to write SAS code that is more effective and manageable.