by saspower | Nov 21, 2022 | SAS Online Course in India
SQL Joining added the table horizontally whereas set operator joining the table vertically. There are four type of set operator named as except, intersect, union and outer union. Three of the four set operators (EXCEPT, INTERSECT, and UNION) combine columns by...
by saspower | Nov 20, 2022 | SAS Online Course in India
In SAS joining the two or more tables done by interleave and merging method, but in this joining data should be sorted before adding. So, it will alter the original table until or unless you can use the out statement. So out statements are required during sorting...
by saspower | Nov 20, 2022 | SAS Online Course in India
Update statements are most useful in data science industries. It having following task which are listed below change the values of variables in the master data set add observations(rows) to the master data set add variable(column)s to the master data set. Rules In...
by saspower | Nov 18, 2022 | SAS Online Course in India
Whenever You had submitted the SAS programming code so it is processed in two phases Compilation phase Execution Phase In compilation phase each statement is scanned with syntax error and any other mistakes, if any error it will prevent the data processing. If the...
by saspower | Nov 13, 2022 | SAS Online Course in India
Proc compare is most valuable tools which are used in comparing the two different dataset or same dataset. Mostly used in clinical trials industry. Original data is known as base data which are used as reference in which comparison data are measured. We can compare...
by saspower | Nov 8, 2022 | SAS Online Course in India
Correlation in SAS is valuable tools which determine the relationship between two variables or more variables. Mostly used in predictive modelling and forecasting. By default proc corr gives the simple statistics and spearman correlation. Correlations having following...