Update statements are most useful in data science industries. It having following task which are listed below
- change the values of variables in the master data set
- add observations(rows) to the master data set
- add variable(column)s to the master data set.
Rules In Update statement
1. Only two data set names can appear in the UPDATE statement.
2. The master data set must be listed first.
3. A BY statement that gives the matching variable must be used.
Data dataset name;
update Masterfile transactional;
by unique column;
In update statement data are sorted by common id that means unique variables present in both data set like master table and transactional table. The UPDATE statement replaces values in the master data set with values from the transactional data set for each observation with a matching value of the BY variable. Any observations in either the master data set or the transactional data set that have non-matching values for the BY variable are included in the output data set.
In SAS by default does not replace existing values in the master data set with missing values if those values are coded as periods (for numeric variables) or blanks (for character variables) in the transaction data set.

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