by saspower | Feb 19, 2024 | SAS Online Course in India
Statistical analysis of clinical trial data with SAS often consists of many phases. First, data cleaning and validation are performed to verify data accuracy. The data is then summarised using descriptive statistics. Next, inferential statistics, such as hypothesis...
by saspower | Feb 16, 2024 | SAS Online Course in India
Logistic regression is a statistical approach used for binary classification problems in which the result variable is categorical and has two alternative outcomes, usually recorded as 0 and 1. Unlike linear regression, logistic regression predicts the likelihood of...
by saspower | Feb 14, 2024 | SAS Online Course in India
There are various model options for nonlinear regression problems, with selection determined on data attributes and modelling aims. Polynomial regression extends linear regression by include polynomial terms that can capture non-linear connections. Generalised...
by saspower | Jan 26, 2024 | SAS Online Course in India
In SAS (Statistical Analysis System), Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is a statistical tool for examining mean differences across groups. It is useful in determining if there are statistically significant differences between the means of three or more independent...
by saspower | Aug 15, 2023 | SAS Online Course in India
The main purpose of Proc Tabulate is to produce a table with a polished appearance. The TABULATE technique uses some or all of the variables in a data collection to present descriptive statistics in tabular style. You may design a range of tables, from the most basic...