VLOOKUP, pivot table and Power pivot commonly used in data mining and pulling the data from different table giving the meaningful insight. VLOOKUP and pivot table commonly used in excel but power pivot comes under the Power BI software. Power Pivot is most powerful as compared to VLOOKUP and pivot table also it is very easy.
VLOOKUP is a lookup and reference function in Excel. It is commonly used in a worksheet to look up and pull data from another Excel table or worksheet. VLOOKUP function is used to extract the data from other table as for example we have an Excel table named “Sales” which contains details of product sales for all months of the year. And another table named “Products” with product details. However, the “Sales” table does not have the details about the product categories. That information is stored in the “Products” table. We can use the VLOOKUP function to bring the category information into the “sales” table.
Pivot table also most interesting tools used in excel for the purpose of summarize the data also in The VLOOKUP function has four arguments (information it needs). They are the lookup value, table array, col index num and range lookup.so it looks like tedious as compared to power pivot which automatically pull the data from other tables also already installed DAX formula which are too easy. If any modification and data mining is required you can open the power query editor which solves the problem easily.
Concluding power pivot is easier as compared to VLOOKUP function also it is used for business intelligence report and making the dashing report.

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