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SAS is a powerful tool for conducting advanced statistical analysis in clinical research, offering a range of techniques to handle complex data and derive meaningful insights. Here’s how SAS can be leveraged for sophisticated statistical tasks:

  1. Complex Statistical Tests: SAS provides extensive procedures for performing advanced statistical tests. For example, PROC MIXED is used for analysing repeated measures data and mixed models, which are crucial in clinical trials to account for subject variability. PROC PHREG is employed for survival analysis, utilizing Cox proportional hazards models to examine time-to-event data.

proc mixed data=clinical_data;

   class treatment;

   model outcome = treatment / solution;


proc phreg data=clinical_data;

   model time*event(0) = treatment age gender;


  1. Generating Reports: SAS’s Output Delivery System (ODS) facilitates the creation of detailed, customizable reports. With PROC REPORT and PROC TABULATE, researchers can generate tables and summaries that provide clear insights into the data, including descriptive statistics and cross-tabulations.

ods pdf file=”analysis_report.pdf”;

proc report data=summary_data;

   columns treatment mean_age sd_age;


ods pdf close;

  1. Interpreting Results: SAS offers robust tools for interpreting statistical results. PROC CORR computes correlation coefficients to explore relationships between variables, while PROC GLM is used for general linear modelling, allowing researchers to understand the effects of multiple predictors on outcomes.

proc corr data=clinical_data;

   var age weight outcome;


proc glm data=clinical_data;

   class treatment;

   model outcome = treatment age weight;


By utilizing SAS’s advanced procedures for statistical analysis, researchers can perform sophisticated tests, generate comprehensive reports, and interpret complex data sets effectively, ultimately enhancing the rigor and reliability of clinical research outcomes.