by saspower | Aug 28, 2023 | SAS Online Course in India
“Study Data Tabulation Model” is what SDTM stands for in the context of clinical research and SAS programming. To maintain uniformity and interoperability among various studies and sponsors, clinical trial data are organized and structured using the SDTM...
by saspower | Aug 24, 2023 | SAS Online Course in India
ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) Learn SAS online in a very simple manner at SASPowerBI Online Training Institute. ANOVA, or Analysis of Variance, is a statistical technique used to compare the means of different groups in a sample. It is used to see if there are any...
by saspower | Aug 15, 2023 | SAS Online Course in India
The main purpose of Proc Tabulate is to produce a table with a polished appearance. The TABULATE technique uses some or all of the variables in a data collection to present descriptive statistics in tabular style. You may design a range of tables, from the most basic...
by saspower | Jul 6, 2023 | Data Science Online Course, SAS Online Course in India
A protocol is a documentary that will include information such as how many days and how many patients we are recruiting, as well as other considerations. While reading the procedure, the first thing you’ll notice is the title. Every protocol has this title;...
by saspower | Jun 9, 2023 | SAS Online Course in India
To define the problem, the next step is formulated and this is followed by conducting experiment to find out whether the hypothesis is valid or wrong. And then we’ll be drawing conclusions, that is, accepting or rejecting the hypothesis, and finally publishing....
by saspower | May 30, 2023 | SAS Online Course in India
Linear Regression is important tools which are mostly used in Machine learning and AI tools .it is technique used to estimates a relationship between variables. Predict the value of one variable (dependent variables) on the basis of another variable commonly known as...