To define the problem, the next step is formulated and this is followed by conducting experiment to find out whether the hypothesis is valid or wrong. And then we’ll be drawing conclusions, that is, accepting or rejecting the hypothesis, and finally publishing. There isn’t. First of all, starting with the definition of hypothesis.
Hypothesis is an educated guess, a possible answer, or a predictive statement that can be tested scientifically. So, it’s based on previous experience on the topic, or by review of literature, or based on existing knowledge. In an experiment, there are two types of hypothesis, alternative hypothesis and null hypothesis. So, let’s explain the concept with a simple example. The researcher has defined the problem effect of Biofertilizer X on plant growth. Suppose a researcher has a new formulation and he want to test the effect of that Biofertilizer on plant growth. Alternative hypothesis is a hypothesis that the researcher tries to prove. And it is denoted by H1 and it is simply the opposite of null hypothesis. In this experiment, the researcher is actually applying Biofertilizer X, and he’s predicting that this powerful laser X as X increases plant growth. So therefore, the alternative hypothesis for this problem is application of biofertilizers X increases plant growth. But it’s null hypothesis. It is just the opposite of alternative hypothesis and it is a hypothesis that the researcher tries to disprove or nullify. It is denoted by H0. The null hypothesis for this particular problem will be. Application of biofertilizers X do not increase plant growth. So alternative hypothesis is the hypothesis that the researcher tries to prove. There is null hypothesis is the hypothesis that the researcher tries to disprove.
Alternative hypothesis predicts that there is a statistical significance or relationship between the variables in the hypothesis understudy. In this experiment that are two variables. First is the independent variable. It is a variable that the researcher changes. In this experiment it is application of fertiliser Where is the dependent variable, is a variable that is affected by the change in the independent variable, or in other words, it is dependent on independent variables. So, application of fertiliser X may affect plant growth, number of leaves, number of proofs, etc. Therefore, alternative hypothesis predicts that there is a relationship between these two. Changing independent variable significantly affects dependent variable. Or the researcher predicts that application of fertiliser X increases plant growth, number of leaves, number of fruits, etc. There is no hypothesis predicts that there is no relationship between these two variables. Application of Biofertilizers X do not increase plant growth. This independent variable that is application of Biofertilizers X. Does it have any effect on the dependent variable like plan growth, number of leaves, number of routes, etc. Therefore, at the end of an experiment, we will either accept alternative hypothesis or accept null hypothesis. So, accepting null hypothesis doesn’t mean that that scientific experiment is a failure that actually suggests the refinement of alternative hypothesis. Modify the alternative hypothesis to get a better answer for the question. Lost or to get a better solution for the problem.
It is also designated on the basis of P value.
Low P value——- reject null hypothesis
High P value—– fail to reject null hypothesis

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