Log in https://www.sas.com/en_in/software/on-demand-for-academics.html
So here. We need to go for this particular website. Click on this particular Link. So now you will End up with a login page. As you are a fresh user, you don’t have any login details. You have to register yourself first. For that. It just clicks on. A register for an account. Then it will ask you your details like a first name, last name and all the staff. So, try to provide. So here in this case, my name is Durga. I’m just giving my initial-mail ID. Gmail. My e-mail ID. And type the same thing. At Gmail. I will go for. My country name here. As India. Click on submit.
Then you will end up with a confirmation e-mail will be sent to your e-mail address. So, you need to wait for 15 minutes definitely. To get that link in your mail. Now log into Gmail. Enter your e-mail what you have given for a station. Give the password. Now you can see. I got a mail from SAS. Please activate your SAS profile to join SAS OnDemand demand for academics. So, there they have sent one link to me. Just click on that link. Again, I have to enter my details like my e-mail ID. Password. Can choose a different password if you want it. It is not necessary. You need to use the same password like you your Gmail. So that’s up to you what password you want to use it. Then agree. And create an account. Right, so now. They will send one more link to ours E-mail. It may take for a while. Now you can see. Already we got to mail. Just click on this, now you can see the user ID. And the log in details either you can go for the user ID what they have provided for you or else you can use your Gmail. That’s up to you what you want to use it let me go for SAS On Demand link. So, then you have to enter you User details. The SAS studio. So, this is the application we have to use. Just click on this application. It is just opening. Now I’m signing into actual software, it is getting initialising. Soon it will get open. Now the software got open. He can find. Cold. Log and result. Code is the window; we mainly use it as an editor. And how to use this particular SAS software and how to write a simple SAS programme?

SAS Online Training Certification Course and Placement
Durga online trainer provides job-oriented SAS online training courses. SAS programming training and SAS certification training are provided online by SAS professionals in accordance with current job trends.