ADAM specification is very necessary for smoothing the process also chance to get minimum error and getting the less comment from regulatory authorities. Also, it will include in the Adam implementation guide so proper understanding is required before the Adam having following advantage which are given below
a). It provides the clarity and consistency between dataset
b). Documentation for easily traceability
c). also, it done the partial automation that means we should know what to be done and what insights is required from dataset.
d) Good for Reviewer
e). Helps in the understand the complex algorithm and derived variables
f) Strictly adherence to ADAMIG for dataset and variable attributes
g) identify any discrepancy in SDTM during specification and development
h). Follow the standard process and prepare specification and then start write the ADAM code
i) ADAM is complex process so change /modification and update bound to be happened so check and track the update applicable to specification without any delay.
So, sequence is followed like that
ADAM specification
ADAM dataset programming

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